RIP Hoddy Mahon
I don’t even know where to begin. Hoddy and I have shared a special relationship for 48 yrs. From freshman algebra to the present, he has been a wonderful teacher, mentor and friend. He shared so much of himself to me. His growing up, his experiences as a player, coach and man. I watched his practices and games from OHS to Seton Hall to sharing the gym at Upsala, Hoddy coaching the men and me coaching the women. I’ll remember the stories, laughter and wisdom Hoddy shared whether in the gym or lifting a beer after practice or at D’Jais in the summer. I’ll remember kidding him about cutting me 4 yrs. in a row at OHS and having a better record than him at Upsala. I left messages the last 2 weeks. We were supposed to go to lunch. It’s creepy, that yesterday I finished Jerry West’s autobiography. He describes how he felt when going to say goodbye to his mentor, Pete Newell, and arriving just after Pete died. I will be on the court in an hour working w/ 2 high school kids from So. Plainfield and another from St. Joe’s Metuchen and I’ll be thinking of Hoddy. He will always have a special place in my heart.
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